Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover Review
The Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover is a product I’ve heard so much about, and I first tried it around six years ago. It was the kind of product which did the rounds in old school beauty YouTube videos, when people would choose their top ten under £10 videos. I had only read super positive reviews, so I was kinda gutted when I bought it and tried it for myself, as I had really underwhelming results.
“Say goodbye to stubborn cuticles with instant cuticle remover™ from sally hansen! Ultra-fast, it helps break down excess cuticles in just 15 seconds.“
If you’ve never come across the Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover before, it’s a blue gel in a squeezy plastic tube, with a little nozzle. You’re designed to apply a thin ‘strip’ of the gel around your cuticles, and under your nail tips. It is then supposed to be left on the nails for 15 seconds, then you gently push back your cuticles with an orange stick, finishing off by washing the product away.
I had tried the Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover many, many times, and it never made any difference to my cuticles. It wasn’t even a case where it didn’t do much of a difference. It just didn’t do anything, so I decluttered it out of my collection. I then decided to give it another try, after seeing it used on TikTok, where the influencer had used it for five minutes, and the results were amazing.
The directions are really strict on not leaving the product on the cuticles for longer than one minute, so it’s definitely not recommended to leave it longer. However, when I do leave the gel on my cuticles for five minutes, it works wonders.
I don’t know if my cuticles are just extra stubborn, but it does absolutely nothing if I leave it on the nails for any less than five minutes. It’s always important to follow the directions, as you don’t want to risk any allergic reactions, but it’s strange how it doesn’t do anything unless it’s left for longer than the time listed in the directions.
I, much, prefer using this Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover over a pair of cuticle scissors or clippers. As it makes it less likely to get nip the skin, or end up with an infection. It’s a great product, and one I’m glad I tried another time, as my second time trying it was a lot more effective.
You can find the Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Remover right here.
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